
The Spreading Tentacles of Violence in Balochistan: Consequences for Pakistani Society

Josh Bowes

Baloch rebels like the BLA, who seek to become independent from Pakistan entirely, have reacted strongly to Chinese investment in the province…The complicated socio-political conflict in Pakistan’s largest province appears to be out of reach for the Pakistani central government, as security forces continue to face bombings and suicide attacks.

Finland’s Strategic Vision Reconfirms Strengthening Relations with India

Ekaterina Serova

Finland-India relations are poised for a smooth take-off in the days to come.

Pakistan-Afghanistan Relations in Quandary: Lessons for Pakistan

Nazir Ahmad Mir

Pakistani security forces are unable to deal with a new wave of terror attacks, more because of the ambivalence in the country’s approach towards religious extremism than the lag in military preparedness both vis-à-vis India they want to square up with, and vis-à-vis the terror elements they have emboldened over the years.

Jamat e islami
Jamaat and the Bangladesh Army: Threat of the fringe?

Ankita Sanyal

As the threat of Islamist infiltration into Bangladesh Army is being discussed in the country today, the Army has chosen not to comment on this issue… Looking at the way JeI and Islamist groups are gathering political momentum at the local levels, the possibility of a religious political impulse haunting the country in the near future cannot be brushed away.