
Imran PTI
Ramification of ‘Banning PTI’ in Pakistan

Ashish Shukla

Banning PTI may lead to further political turbulence and pose a critical challenge for the ruling coalition to maintain order especially when elements within PTI are itching for nationwide protest if the Supreme Court judgment in reserved seats case is sidestepped.

Chahbar Port
Why has India not been able to make significant progress in the Chabahar Port?

Ahmad Reza Taheri

The Chabahar Port presents itself as an alternative route for India that circumvents Pakistan, thereby alleviating India's reliance on Pakistani transit corridors. India and Iran have been engaged in negotiations to implement the Chabahar project for several years since 2003 without much success so far. This comment, from an Iranian scholar, dwells on the reasons for the tardy progress on the project since last two decades.

India Election Result
Pakistani Urdu Media’s Coverage of India’s 18th Lok Sabha Elections Results

Afroz Khan

The aim of the piece is to acquaint the reader with the thought process amongst commentators in Pakistani vernacular media regarding the recently concluded Lok Sabha elections in India (conducted in April-June 2024).

From Autonomy in GB to Rights Movement in AJK: The State vs The People in PoK

Zainab Akhter

In Pakistan, it has been the norm to address issues only when they have ballooned into a full-blown crisis; be it the GB protests or the rights movement in AJK. Only few month have passed since the local population of GB had staged protests along similar lines. It remains to be seen whether the government’s steps satisfy the people in both regions in the long term.

Issue Briefs

Chahbar Port
The Chabahar Port and India-Iran Agreement

Ashish Shukla

On 13 May 2024, India and Iran signed a 10-year long-term contract for operation of Shahid Behesti terminal at the Chabahar port in Iran, eight years after concluding the general framework of cooperation on the Chabahar port. A memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed in May 2015 for the development of this port by India and on 23 May 2016, the contract was executed during the visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Iran.

Widening gulf between Pakistan and AJK

Nazir Ahmad Mir

Although most of the demands have been accepted― of course, not before securitizing the political issue by deploying FC, Rangers along with police to use force against the protesters― the people of AJK are unlikely to forget the ordeal they have had to pass through, for the last more than six months, which has certainly steeled their nerves.

National Report by China in the 45th UPR Session: Hiding More than it Reveals

Ankita Sanyal

China’s report on human rights in the 45th session of the UPR on 23 January 2024 has drawn the attention of human rights activists worldwide. It has painted a rosy picture of the human rights situation within China.


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Current Issue: Volume-30, Issues 3 & 4, July-December 2023

Previous Issues


Banning PTI may lead to further political turbulence and pose a critical challenge for the ruling coalition to maintain order especially when elements within PTI are itching for nationwide protest if the Supreme Court judgment in reserved seats case is sidestepped.