Dr Nazir Ahmad Mir is a Research Analyst in a MEA Project at MP-IDSA, New Delhi. He can be reached at: mirnazir.kash@gmail.com


In light of the recent crackdown on the Baloch assembly in Dalbandin, the Baloch Yekjehti Committee (BYC) has reiterated its commitment to resist state violence and persist in its efforts to secure the rights of the Baloch people. The initiatives undertaken by BYC have, on one side, heightened awareness among the Baloch....


On 15 August this year, the Taliban completed three years of their rule after taking over Afghanistan in August 2021. To celebrate the day, they organised parades at various places across the country on 14 August and displayed their military power by showcasing mainly the weapons and armed vehicles that were left behind by the fleeing America led forces.

Although most of the demands have been accepted― of course, not before securitizing the political issue by deploying FC, Rangers along with police to use force against the protesters― the people of AJK are unlikely to forget the ordeal they have had to pass through, for the last more than six months, which has certainly steeled their nerves.


Pakistani security forces are unable to deal with a new wave of terror attacks, more because of the ambivalence in the country’s approach towards religious extremism than the lag in military preparedness both vis-à-vis India they want to square up with, and vis-à-vis the terror elements they have emboldened over the years.