
Pakistan Audio Leaks
Audio Leaks and their Negative Impact on Pakistani Politics

Syed Eesar Mehdi

The audio leaks have set off a negative impulse in Pakistani society which will have an adverse impact on democratic politics in the country for a long time to come. It is likely to give rise to pervasive cynicism and lack of public trust in the existing system that includes the army and may create the context for the rise of orthodox forces who lay emphasis on ethics and morality.

Chief of Army Staff - Gen Asim Munir
Contextualizing the Appointment of Pakistan’s New Army Chief and Implications for India

Syed Eesar Mehdi

The appointment of Asim Munir as the new army chief of Pakistan has dominated the political conversations and television talk shows in Pakistan, however, it wouldn’t make much difference as far as India’s interests are concerned.

Imran Khan
Imran Khan’s ‘tactical praise’ for India

Nazir Ahmad Mir

Quite for some time, the chairman of the most popular party in Pakistan, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and former Prime Minister Imran Khan has been in awe of India.

The State of Denial: Taliban in Swat
The State of Denial: Taliban in Swat

Mohammad Shehzad

Pakistanis, love to live in a state of denial. Covid-19 blighted millions of people around the world but our decision-makers told us that the pandemic was not harmful. It was confined to China only. It cannot reach Pakistan.